Upgrade and Patches

Written By Marc Fleurant (Collaborator)

Updated at September 10th, 2024

(We recommend that you keep instances with previous AMI until the upgraded installation is confirmed to be working properly. If recovery is required - you can restart the EC2 instance with the prior AMI which will update the CDK bucket with that version. Follow below instruction.)

Marketplace customers will receive an email that their is a new version of the FinOps Center AMI available. The AMI will be available in their EC2 Console for launch leveraging the same IAM Profile used during initial installation. The launched instance will update the FinOps Center cdk bucket with the updates. Select the FinOpsCenterStack.template.json and update the CloudFormation Stack with the object URL.


Validate the Parameters and advance through the next few screens and hit update.

Upon Completions, Code is Updated.