FinOps Center has a low burden on Technical Operations Teams once the pre-requisite AWS components are configured and the Application is deployed.
Skills of the Technical operations Team:
- AWS Engineering with specific understanding of the S3 Bucket Replication, CloudFormation, VPC Configuration, and Web Application Management leveraging CloudFront.
- AWS Data Engineering with understanding of DynamoDB Backups to S3
- Account Vending Process with Tools like Control Tower
Operational Checklist to Validate Functional Application
- Validate that Cost and Usage Report has replicated to the Cloud Operations Account Bucket.
- Compare loading of the Application Updated (Note: The application time stamp should be approximately 1 hr after the Bucket timestamp. This is due to the allowance of “eventual consistency” of bucket replication).

- Contract support to work on further analysis
The Finance and Business Teams are the primary users of FinOps Center and will need to be enabled in operations of the applications. In the Finance and Business Teams, there should be members that are comfortable in the development of QuickSight Dashboards and how to share information to the Technical Operations Team to make a Dashboard available to different Roles.
The Finance and Business Team are the key to driving spend accountability with FinOps Center. They must daily monitor spending, card approval, and account mapping to validate that users are acting on the data.