Workload Allocation Resource Claiming to Workload
Workload allocation begins with the Product Owner creating an estimate for their workloads. Within Space, Product Owners will navigate to a Budget within their Scope and Select the AWS Account where the workload will be created.
Workload need to be named, have an AWS Pricing Calculator, and a Launch Date(Month). If there is a targeted Teardown for the workload enter the End Month. By default, Estimates will end a year of year.

Once Estimates are created Product Owners, Financial Admins, or Admins can Claim Resources to the Workload within the Resource Tab.

On load, Resource that are Open to be Claimed will be visible in the table. Users can use the search to identify by Service Name, Resource Name, or Tag.
Claiming Resources can be done across multiple Workload or Multiple Resources can be Bulk Claimed.

Bulk Claim

To view Claimed Resources, Select the Claimed Resource Checkbox. The Status visual provides information on which Budget it belongs , the date of action, and the User that made the action.

For Claimed Resources within the Budget Scope, the Resource(s) can be Released back to the available pool to be Claimed by another Workload or to Account Allocation.

Last updated