Amazon Q in QuickSight FinOps Center Framework

The Amazon Q in QuickSight FinOps Center Framework uses the same Deployment Model as FinOps Center via the Marketplace - AMI with CloudFormation.

Once the Offering is added to your AWS Accounts you will have an AMI that needs to be launch with the IAM Profile that was used for the Product Installation.

The Solution code will be deployed via 2 CloudFormation Scripts.

The First CFT builds and deploys the backend that will extract data from your FinOps Center application's DyanamoDB tables and pushes them to S3 that are created. Glue Crawlers then create the schema to be leverage for the 2nd CFT.

Note: Prior to proceeding to the 2nd CFT Script the Glue Crawlers must successfully complete and the new S3 buckets (amazonqframework-finopscenterqdataextractionbucket & amazonqframework-finopscenterqperiodbucketb17f0b5d-) must be shared with QuickSight.

The 2nd CFT will install the Athena Queries, QuickSight Datasets, QuickSight Topics, and other configurations. For the Installation, you need the Author Pro ID that was created to provide as a parameter for the Template to complete.

The CFT will take about 3 minutes to Run but the deployment will still be running. Allow for 15 mins before returning to the Back to QuickSight Console. In Console, navigate to the Groups Tag in Management to add the Author Pro User to the Topics-Admin Group.

Navigate to the Author Pro's Console and monitor the Topics being built. Note that Topics are built once the SPICE for the Dataset has successfully been Refreshed. Depending on the amount of data in your CUR2 or Application, this can take up to 30mins. As Topics appear they will be automatically added to the application by Role. As a best practices, run an invalidation in CloudFront upon completetion of all Topics being created.

Last updated