FinOps Center CFT Installation
Stack Configuration
FinOps Center creates IAM Roles and Policies. The Engineer deploying must have Administrative Privileges. (DO NOT INSTALL USING ROOT USER)
Upon Selecting Next you will be taken to the YAML form to complete the FinOps Center Installation.
Name Stack: No Requirements
Stack Parameter:

Bucket to CUR - cid-(CUSTOMERACCOUNT)-data-exports
Path to CUR Date - cur2/CUSTOMERACCOUNT/cid-cur2/data
Athena DB Name - cid_data_export
Athena DataCalog - AwsDataCatalog
Athena WorkGroup - primary

Roles aligned to Busienss Requirements
Enviornment Parameters

Static Website - S3 Bucket Name Created for Frontend Bucket
From CloudFront - Distribution Name
Create your First Admin User and Email
Last updated