Trouble Shooting
FinOps Center is a web application that may experience typical issues from users around login issues or page loading (especially updates). Additionally, during the initial 24hrs of installing FinOps Center the application may be awaiting data population from the Cost & Usage Report (CUR).
If users are having issues with their initial logging into FinOps Center it could be an issue with the Cognito temporary password. It is common that the remedy is to delete the users from the Cognito User Pool and Re-Create them in the FinOps Center Configuration.
During initial configuration of the application the AWS CUR Data is not loading you may need to wait until the next cycle to run. Have a member of your technical team navigate to the S3 bucket in the FinOps Center installed account and view when the last CUR was created keeping in mind that the CUR creation time is UCT. If a CUR cycle has run after the time of the upload of the Chart/Budget File, contact support.
If users are having issues accessing the Amazon Q in QuickSight Topices
Last updated