Marketplace Installation - AMI Configuation

AMI Configuration and Stack Launch

Learn how to configure and launch custom AMIs efficiently in your application stack for enhanced performance and scalability.

Navigate to the AWS Marketplace and Search for FinOps Center (FinOps-in-a-Box or Enterprise Versions)

Click to Zoom

ATTENTION: FinOps Center will be deployed from CloudFormation via S3. The below instruction will create an EC2 deployment via and AMI. Upon creation, the EC2 instance will create the bucket with the CloudFormation Scripts and JSON to be used in lunch in CloudFormation. Upon completion (when the bucket and packages are deployed) the instance that is created can be shut down. During the installation, a EC2 Role needs to be created with IAM Scope defined below to enable the creation and copying of files for the CloudFormation Installation.

Continue to Subscribe

Click to Zoom

Accept Terms

Click to Zoom

Select Continue to Launch

Click to Zoom

Launch through EC2

Click to Zoom

Click to Zoom

Configure Instance to your companies standards. As note previously, the EC2 instanced provisioned is used to copy files to S3 for the FinOps Center deployment. We recommend a small instance (T3 Small) be used and can be shut down once the files are copied to S3.

Click to Zoom

Prior to Launch → the IAM Instance Profile much have a Role with Policy to S3 Create Bucket and S3 Write Access for FinOps Center Installation Bucket. Add your AWS Account Number to below Policies.

Navigate to IAM and follow below Steps

Step 1: Create a New Role for EC2 or Validate an Existing Role has above Policy.

Click to Zoom

JSON Policy - add account number of installed account.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [


Step 2: Create a Role

Click to Zoom

Step 3: Add Policy to Role

Click to Zoom

and Create Role

Click to Zoom

Return to EC2 to Launch Instance

No Key is Required as the Instance can be delete upon Install

Launch Instance

Navigate to S3

As the EC2 starts up, a bucket will appear beginning with cdk (see below)


US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1

Bucket and objects not public


Once you see the cdk Bucket is created navigate back to the Marketplace Listing to Launch CloudFormation.

Launch CloudFormation

Click Next

Note: All environment installation are “ Fresh Installs”. There is no separate installation pipeline between SDLC environment.

Last updated